1 Jack Moses Av, Gundagai NSW 2722 0260672106 info@arthc.com.au Museum Normal Opens Days & Times FRI, SAT & SUN 10am to 3pm

This information is for use on our NSW Historic Vehicle Rego.

(This info may also be useful for most NSW Clubs, but most info listed here is in regards to us ARTHC.)
To Note: There is almost 1,300 Clubs in the NSW HVC register.
A List of all HVC Registered Clubs in NSW can be Viewed from Roads and Maritime recognised historic vehicle club.
Or Search "nsw.gov.au" for Historic Vehicle Clubs
It is best to join a club that is local to the Vehicle housing address.

Or view from our site by clicking here (06/2024).

Please read this page fully before you continue with the rego &/or Road Worthy (Pink Slips).

(Updated Jul 2024)

You may see terms like Club Rego, CVS, HVC, HVS & Condition Registration, these terms mean the same on this site and this site only.
Parts of the information listed here will also be a copy from the RMS website.
Also some of this info may also be incorrect or incomplete (Due to changes), use as a basic guide only.
ARTHC currently only deal with NSW rego but are looking into other states too.
ARTHC mostly deals with Truck Rego, in and around Gundagai Region (Not all of NSW).
Only Paid Members (with us) are eligible for Club Rego through us who meet and keep to the requirements.
There may be extra fees or other requirements for Rego by the club too, and these may change each year.

Historic vehicles may be registered under the Conditional Registration Scheme.

The conditional registration of historic vehicles is also referred to as the Historic Vehicle Scheme (HVS).

Vehicle Eligibility

Historic vehicles (including trailers) must be 30 years of age or older as from the year of manufacture.

The vehicle owner must be a financial member of the registered club during the hole term of the rego,
(Click here for a list of clubs)

Historic vehicles must be as close to original condition as possible, with no alterations except for safety features such as seat-belts and turn indicators, or period accessories and options, if desired.

LPG conversions are allowed providing it is approved by the Roads and Maritime recognised historic vehicle club.

Vehicles Main housing, must be in the state of the rego.

Registering a vehicle in the Historic Vehicle Scheme.

  • A completed Application for Conditional Registration
  • Proof of identity such as a NSW driver licence
  • Proof of registration entitlement (eg an original receipt for the vehicle, which clearly shows the buyer’s name, the seller’s name, address and signature, the VIN or Chassis/frame or serial number and the date of acquisition)
  • A Historic Vehicle Declaration, signed by an official of the club, not greater than 42 days old.
  • All paperwork including the Pink Slip must be sited by the same club official on the same day too.
  • A Manual vehicle safety inspection report must also be presented too. (Pink Slip)* (E-Safety Check System not permitted)

Forms Needed.

The forms in the links below are direct downloads from RMS or our website and are current at the time of posting, these forms may change over time and we hope to keep them up to date but current ones can also be downloaded at “RMS WEB SITE

RMS Application for Conditional Registration (PDF)
(From RMS Website, opens in new window)
A copy of this form can also be downloaded by clicking here (Sep 2022)

RMS Historic Vehicle Declaration (PDF)
(From RMS Website, opens in new window)
A copy of this form can also be downloaded by clicking here (Sep 2022)

(Please download and fill in by hand the above 2 forms)
You can also view a "Sample Only" layout of how the forms should be filled out by clicking below
(To Note: This is for reference only as the forms used in the samples are out dated)
Application for Conditional Registration (PDF)
Historic Vehicle Declaration (PDF)

What this all means is ?

  1. You must be a financial member of our club, (& all through the rego term too).
  2. Your vehicle must be 30 years or older.
  3. Your vehicle must be approved by our club before we will sign any paperwork.
  4. Your vehicle must have a manual vehicle safety inspection report (Pink Slip)*
  5. The vehicle safety inspector must fill in parts on both forms (This includes renewals)
  6. A “Application for Conditional Registration” form must be filled out correctly.
  7. A “Historic Vehicle Declaration” form must be fill out correctly,
    It must also be Signed & Stamped by a RMS Authorised member of our club and recorded in our books too.

    And The Biggest of them all
  8. You must maintain all Club Requirements.

Other info to know too.

If you want to change clubs you will need to fill in the same forms, as it the same rules as a sale of the vehicle.

The club must notify RMS asap if the member has become a Non Financial Member, this will also cancel the members rego on the spot too.

You can't transfer Historic Vehicle Registration to any other person, You need to cancel your registration before a new operator can register the vehicle in their name.

Historic Vehicle Registration Plates are non transferable too, they must be handed in on cancelled rego.

Old (Full Rego) plates are not permitted to be used for club rego (This includes Custom plates).


* Our club does not do a Safety Inspection for our own Safety, you must see a authorised centre.

More General Info.

Vehicle use

The "Classic Vehicle Log Book" will allow vehicles to be used for 60 days of general use (ie maintenance and personal use) each year, outside of club authorised vehicle events.
Each day’s use must be recorded in a log book that was issued by the registry or service centre.

Currently Also: If the Vehicle has a gross vehicle mass (GVM) of more than 12 tonnes then the “National Driver Work Diary” must be carried and filled out too (in accordance to the NHVR Laws).


Operators wishing to use historic vehicles for the passenger transport for weddings or other functions should first check the requirements under the Passenger Transport Act 1990. The operator must also seek approval from the club, and the details recorded by the club in the official minutes.

Historic vehicles must display conditional registration number plates and only its current registration label.

NSW historic vehicles may be used temporarily in other States and Territories, under the same conditions as apply in NSW.


Historic vehicles can tow a trailer that is either fully registered, exempt from registration, has an Unregistered Vehicle Permit or is conditionally registered (Within vehicles towing limits).
But only on a properly fitted & approved vehicle towing hitch.


Historic vehicles must meet the following requirements if carrying any loads (Including Towing):

  • Loads cannot be carried for commercial purposes.
  • Loads must be the private property of the vehicle operator and/or carried as part of a club event, no Commercial Use.
  • The load must be restrained to the standards detailed in the State's Load Restraint Guide.

Warning: Most states deam the load (say going to a swap meet to sell) as "commercial purposes" and so is not permitted (it doesn't matter if its only one item).

Seat-belts and Child Restraints.

Seatbelts must be worn, where fitted.

Drivers of historic vehicles under the historic vehicle scheme are exempt from the requirement to fit child restraints when carrying children between 12 months and seven years of age, provided:

  • They have written advice from a Licensed Certifier that it is not reasonably practicable to install seat-belts and/or child restraints in the historic vehicle, and
  • This written advice is carried in the vehicle when transporting any child between 12 months and seven years of age.

All passengers under 12 months of age must be restrained in an approved child restraint.

Period Options and Accessories.

As stated on the NSW GOV Site, Transport for NSW has compiled a defined list of period options and accessories items which may aid motoring clubs in determining the eligibility of vehicles for inclusion in the Historic Vehicle Scheme.
But to note: This list is for light vehicles, it does not cover motorcycles or heavy vehicles tho some options can be.

Period options.

These may include:

  • Tuning Kits offered by a manufacturer or dealer.
  • Wheels of period type.
  • Exhaust Kits.
  • Sump Guards.
  • Air Conditioning.
  • Overdrive on gearbox.
  • Disc Brake Conversions.
  • Optional Engine Fitment.
  • Optional Transmission change.
Period accessories
  • Radio.
  • Tape Player.
  • Mudflaps.
  • Wheel Trims and Hubcaps.
  • Rear Window Blinds
  • Mirrors – internal or external.
  • Dash Mounted Fans.
  • Additional Instrumentation – dash mounted.
  • Side Window Blinds.
  • Mesh Headlamp Covers.
  • Map Lamps and other internal reading lamps.
  • Driving and Fog Lamps.
  • Heater.
  • Windscreen Washers.
  • Radiator/Grille and insect screens.
  • Reversing Lamp/s.
  • Tow Bar.
What Period accessories we know about (For this club).
  • Engine (6 to 8). (If it was a Petrol 6 cylinder and never had v8 then it can not be fitted)
  • Engine (Petrol to Diesel). (If they never made that version of engine for that model, it can not be fitted)
  • Transmission (Fitted with manual, Auto not permitted If it never had one)
  • Seats (Bucket Seats changed to single not permitted if never fitted)

This all means, if it was not a option by the vehicle maker or dealer at the time (With Prof) then it can not be fitted (Tho some options can like some Safety ones*)

Left-hand drive vehicles.

Left-hand drive historic cars, trucks and buses that have a Gross Vehicle Mass (GVM) up to 4.5 tonnes are not required to display a 'left-hand drive' sign.

BUT where the GVM is greater than 4.5 tonnes, these vehicles require the words ‘left-hand drive’ to be displayed on the rear of the vehicle in letters at least 75 millimetres high, with a colour contrast background.

Eligibility and Requirements from a Member.

Many Clubs including us here at ARTHC. have Requirements for allowing members to register through them (& Most Are Forced).

  • For us here at ARTHC,
    Members must attend and give a min 1hr help at-least at one of our 2 main functions, this doesn't require the vehicle (but would be great to show it there),
    Or that member must attend at-least 5 meetings a year &/or assist at the Museum a few times in the year.
  • Many other clubs,
    Are requiring a minimum of 1 year as a member before there is any eligibility for Rego, some also require the member to attend a number of Meetings &/or Functions with the vehicle, So check with the club on there requirements.
  • All Clubs,
    YOU MUST remain a member of that club for the full time of the rego or the rego will be void by the club or RMS.

Please Note: Members need to know all requirements and follow them as the club has the rights to cancel a members rego for any non compliance at any time, also a Club has the rights to change the requirements for Eligibility.


Many Clubs including us here at ARTHC have the requirements of NSW HVS Logbooks.

These Logbooks are required to be filled out Each Day BEFORE you take a HVS Vehicle on any public Roads.

To Note: Depending on the club, If you have a run as a official one in the clubs minuets and in the newsletter (with a copy on you) or a official letter stating its on the club minuets signed by the Secretary and Rego officials (With a copy on you) then that logbook doesn't require to be filled out but it still must be carried.

With Vehicles GMV over 12Ton then a EXTRA Logbook Must be carried and filled out too, This logbook is the "National Driver Work Diary" (Yes the truck logbook) as part of the NHVR as over 12ton GMV you must also follow the Heavy Vehicle National Law's, Including when the truck logbook is to be filled out as this book in not exempt like the other above.

Please Note: Any trailers on Club rego must also have a Logbook and have it filled out like above.

The only time a Log book is not required to be carried or filled out is when that Club Rego Vehicle is on another vehicle being "transported"
(Another words, For a Club Rego Vehicle if the wheels are turning on the road then the logbook Must be used as stated above)

To Note; (As stated by RMS)
Clubs and their members that have not opted in for the log book can only use their vehicles for club runs and maintenance trips.
If a club opts out of the log book, the club members are then also limited to club and maintenance runs only.



If you are not a financial member (of the same club) at any time then rego is voided.

At any time the club has the right to void the rego for any Club Breaches or NON Requirements Reached.

RMS and other authorities has the right to void any rego (including but not limited to laws breaches too).

Rego not renewed by its due date (which is annual) You will have to again go through all the requirements for first time rego.

If the Vehicle is registered at or over the GMV of what is stated at an "Heavy Vehicle Safety Stations" then you must follow said sign's, Club rego is not exempt from these stations.

Sale Of A Club Plated Vehicle:

If you decide to sell your Vehicle, Please take note:

To sell a vehicle on Club Plates, the current owner must hand in the number plates to Service NSW and cancel the registration, also the current owner should advise their club that the vehicle is no longer there's.

At Sale of the Vehicle, the Vehicle is deemed Unregistered.

It doesn't matter if there is time left on the plates, Rego (and Plates) is to the owner and is non transferable to the new owner even if they are from the same club.

Also to note: That if the new owner wants to drive the Vehicle home then they MUST have a UVP (Unregistered Vehicle Permit) (As the Vehicle must not have the plates on them on sale).

Members Warning:

All Must Note:

If a member beaks any road laws it doesn't just effect them, depending of the law/s broken this can also effect the club and all other members Rego's too.

This includes, driving while knowing the Vehicle is unsafe for the road.

So follow the laws, ALL OF THEM.

Rego Renewals:

All regos have renewals this includes the Club Rego.

Renewals are yearly and is almost the same as new rego, as:

  1. You must still be a current financial member of the club.
  2. You must meet all club requirements for rego.
  3. Your vehicle must have a new manual vehicle safety inspection report (Pink Slip)* (The vehicle safety inspector must fill in parts on the renewal form too.)
  4. The renewal form must be fill out correctly.
  5. All paperwork must be sited but also it must also be Signed & Stamped by a RMS Authorised member of our club and recorded in our books too.
  6. Renewal must be completed and processed by RMS before the expiry date.

Failing to follow any of these will void your rego outright.


It is the Vehicle owners job to make sure they get there renewals and have them processed before the due date.

To Note: Some times a renewal notice might not have been sent by RMS or has gone missing in the post, The owner must contact RMS ASAP and make sure they get there renewal in time to complete.